Photography and commentary by Paul Yarnall

The NEW Images by Paul Yarnall

It is common knowledge among those who have created any kind of web presence how much time and energy it takes. It can be exhausting and frustrating especially if your html skills are minimal. Visitors to any site expect new material on a regular basis, otherwise it’s “been there done that”. So, my apologies to all who have enjoyed any of my photos but were wondering when I was going to get around to showing new ones. I was creating images faster than I could get them processed, organized, and posted. Something had to change and this new site is it.

The NEW Images by Paul Yarnall website is now completely Blog based because blogging tools make it easier to get things ‘online’. In addition, all photo galleries are now generated in Adobe LightRoom. My switch to LightRoom will be another post by itself, but in short, it is an integrated photo processing environment that streamlines all the tasks of getting images from the camera to the web. The LightRoom generated galleries lack a few embellishments I hope Adobe will see fit to add as time goes on, but the results are a nice presentation of images with very little additional effort on my part once they are “developed”.

You will find links to all the photo galleries, old and new, on the right sidebar. All of my previous blog articles and posts are here below or can also be found using “Categories” at the top of the page.

It seems fitting that the NEW IBPY is launching with the new year. I am going to do my best to shoot more AND post more. Comments and suggestions are appreciated as always.

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